
Showing 145–156 of 199 results

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    Sinotruk 6×4 Tipper Truck

    Rated 0 out of 5

    中国重汽 6×4 自卸车是一种重型商用车,专为运输和倾倒重物而设计。这款卡车具有高有效载荷能力、坚固的结构和强大的发动机,能够处理崎岖的地形和苛刻的任务。它具有高效的传动系统,可实现平稳换档和最佳燃油效率。该卡车还配备了先进的安全功能,例如 ABS 制动器和安全气囊,以增强对驾驶员和乘客的保护。舒适的驾驶室提供愉快的驾驶体验,而易于维护可确保长期的可靠性和性能。中国重汽 6×4 自卸车是建筑、采矿和其他重型应用的理想选择,是运输材料和货物的可靠和高效的解决方案。

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    Sinotruk 840 Howo 6×4 Dump Truck

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    The Howo 6×4 Dump Truck is a heavy-duty vehicle designed for transporting and unloading materials. Known for its robust construction and high load capacity, this truck is commonly used in construction, mining, and other industries that require heavy hauling capabilities.

  • Sold By : Eurasian Star Store

    Sinotruk Howo 16 Cubic Concrete Mixer Truck

    Rated 0 out of 5

    A concrete mixer truck is a specialized vehicle used for transporting and mixing concrete. It consists of a rotating drum on the back of the truck, which is used to mix the ingredients of concrete, including cement, aggregate, water, and sometimes additives. The drum is typically made of steel and has blades inside that help mix the materials as the drum rotates.

    Concrete mixer trucks come in various sizes, with the most common ones having a capacity of 8 to 12 cubic yards (6 to 9 cubic meters) of concrete. They are commonly used in construction projects, such as building roads, bridges, and buildings, where large amounts of concrete are needed.

  • Sold By : Eurasian Star Store

    Sinotruk Howo 371 8×4 Dump Truck

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    负载能力: 自卸车有各种尺寸和配置,具有不同的负载能力,以适应不同类型和数量的材料。它们的范围从小型轻型卡车到能够运载数吨货物的大型重型车辆。

    车身设计: 自卸车身的设计可能会有所不同,有些卡车具有固定车身,而另一些卡车具有可拆卸车身,可以针对特定类型的材料更换为不同的配置。

    安全功能: 自卸车可能包括安全功能,例如警告警报、反光标记和安全栏杆,以确保在装载、运输和卸载过程中的安全操作。

  • Sold By : Eurasian Star Store

    Sinotruk Howo 6X4 Concrete Mixer Truck

    Rated 0 out of 5

    中国重汽豪沃 6X4 混凝土搅拌车是一款坚固可靠的车辆,专门用于建筑项目中混凝土的运输和搅拌。它配备了一个专门的旋转滚筒,在运输过程中连续搅拌混凝土,以确保在施工现场获得一致和高质量的混凝土搅拌。

    中国重汽豪沃 6X4 混凝土搅拌车的定期维护对于确保其最佳性能和使用寿命至关重要。这包括清洁搅拌桶、检查液压系统、检查混合组件以及确保所有安全功能处于良好的工作状态。

    总体而言,中国重汽豪沃 6X4 混凝土搅拌车是一种可靠且高效的车辆,用于在建筑项目中运输和搅拌混凝土。其坚固的结构、先进的功能和高生产率使其成为参与混凝土相关任务的建筑公司和承包商的宝贵资产。

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    Sinotruk Howo 6×4 Dump Truck

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    中国重汽 Howo 6×4 自卸车是一种流行且知名的重型卡车型号,用于运输和卸载散装材料,如沙子、砾石、岩石和建筑垃圾。中国重汽 Howo 6×4 自卸车是一款可靠且用途广泛的车辆,可为各种建筑、采矿和运输应用提供强大的性能、大有效载荷能力、耐用性和效率。

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    Sinotruk Howo 6×4 Dump Truck Specs

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    The HOWO 6×4 Dump Truck is a robust construction vehicle produced by Sinotruk, featuring a 6-wheel layout with 4 driven wheels for enhanced traction and load capacity. Ideal for hauling construction materials, it boasts a powerful diesel engine, a durable chassis, and a tilting dump body made of high-strength steel. The truck is equipped with either manual or automatic transmission, a comfortable cab, and a reliable braking system, ensuring efficient operation and safety on various terrains.

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    Sinotruk Howo 6×4 Trailer Head

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    中国重汽集团 Howo 6X4 牵引头是一款重型卡车,设计用于在各种地形和条件下运输货物。这款拖车头以其坚固的结构、强大的性能和先进的功能而闻名,是全球物流和运输公司的首选。

    中国重汽 Howo 6X4 拖拉机头制造商作为满足重型运输需求的可靠和高效的解决方案而脱颖而出。它结合了动力、舒适性、安全性和多功能性,对于希望提高物流能力的企业来说,这是一项极好的投资。无论是本地旅行还是长途旅行,Howo 6×4 都旨在提供出色的性能和价值。

  • Sold By : 841561948 Store

    Skoda Kodiaq

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    Skoda Kodiaq


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    Skoda Octavia

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    Skoda Octavia


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    Skoda Superb

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    Skoda Superb


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